• The story of a young, wild woman who doesn't want to compromise and settle down. Stella is a restless, rebellious Greek woman who plays with men and enjoys her life as much as she can. But when she meets a young football player, things get mixed up. She loves him but she loves her freedom too. So it's about time she made an important choice.
  • 希腊悲剧三部曲终节章奥斯卡最佳外语片提名(当年仅以一票之差败给布努艾尔的《朦胧的欲望》)戛纳金棕榈提名希腊萨撒隆尼基电影节最佳影片、最佳女演员2项奖
  • 迈克尔.柯杨尼斯导演的经典作,故事背景是希腊的克里特岛偏僻的乡下地方,年轻的英国作家艾伦.贝斯已很久没有执笔为文,当他碰到深具智慧的希腊老农民安东尼.奎因,看见他自由自在地全心投入生活之后,决意重新开发祖先留下来的文化宝藏。全片制作精致并富娱乐性,安东尼昆的演出更是神彩飞扬,将两个不同阶层和个性的男人之间的友情拍得十分动人。曾获奥斯卡黑白摄影等三项金像奖,后来并改编成百老汇舞台剧。