• 因合同不尽人意,拳击手奥斯卡·“林戈”·博纳维纳心怀与阿里对决的梦想来到了内华达州雷诺施展拳脚。
  • 在经历过创伤后,Inés患上了睡眠障碍,并被恶梦缠身。梦寐以求的人物想占有她的身体吗?NataliaMeta制作的高度原创的心理性惊悚片。
  • 女孩霍滕西亚的父亲被电冰箱的门电击死去、被老板炒鱿鱼、男朋友和她最要好的闺蜜在一起了——绝望之中,她发现了自己十四岁时写的人生目标并自此信誓旦旦:“去和一个像父亲一样拥有金色头发的男孩结婚,并设计出全世界最美丽的鞋子。”然而当她没有认真去倾听自己内心真实声音的时候,事情只会越来越糟。最终她将电冰箱推向了悬崖,也不再管什么十四岁的愿望,让当下的自我去做选择。
  • 本片讲述了三个以字母为代号的男人的神秘冒险经历,时长245分钟,共分为18章节,以魔幻现实的手法表现出阿根廷近代历史文化的变迁,叙事方法新颖独特,长镜头摄影精湛,尽管并不属于大制作,而是小成本的独立电影,但最后的结局却给人以强烈而深刻的印象,是近些年来难得一见的阿根廷实验电影杰作。(08维也纳国际电影节)In this adventurous experiment in storytelling, secret identities, missing persons, lost treasures, exotic beasts and desperate criminals are only a few of the elements woven into a grand tapestry of mysteries.
  • After his first love breaks his heart, a young American singer reluctantly leaves his home in San Diego, California and embarks on an epic road trip through Baja with his uncle in order to reconnect with his Mexican roots and find himself.
  • 最著名的电视新闻节目“午夜60分钟”的最后一次播出,今晚的主角是艾德里安·马卡托,他可能会揭露一个将政府与某个邪教联系起来的阴谋。。。
  • A group of friends must confront their fears in a terrifying game.
  • Three friends decide to play The Red Book game. What they don't know is that in the house, evil is waiting to be released. There a witch died as part of a satanic ritual. Every question they ask, they get closer and closer to her.
  • 两个从麻醉中苏醒过来的警探发现自己正身处一宗黑人小孩被误杀的案件中。