• In the distant future, Jack Deadman and his military team are the final hope to save our dying earth from its hellish apocalypse. The mission is to enter the underground world of Labyrinthia and retrieve the water stolen by the savage inhabitants below... 10 years later, the mission has failed, and Jack Deadman exists in isolation, trapped and buried deep within Labyrinthia. A lone wolf anti-hero, changed by failure and guilt. But when the opportunity to escape arises once again, Jack will begin a quest for vengeance and redemption in one last attempt to escape from Labyrinthia.
  • 在一个偏僻的山顶,有位神秘的陌生人从暴风雨中出现,向惠普利一家寻求庇护,而惠普利一家有著三个被妈妈严格管教的年轻人,以及失踪未果的神经质爸爸。这神秘的「陌生人」到底与惠普利一家和这间诡异的古堡有什麽关联?更可怕的是,某个夜晚,惠普利发现自己浸在血液中,束缚在床上无法动弹……。