• Allison is approached by Gary Durant who wants something done about the harassment directed at his elderly father. Someone has been posting videotapes of the old man, now a street person, performing humiliating acts for a few dollars. Both Allison and Bridgette dream about him but are soon having their own 'Freaky Friday' of sorts when they wake up to find that they are inhabiting the other's body. As a result they have an interesting few days where Allison goes to school and Bridgette goes to the office. Their dreams reveal more of the mystery about Durant's father but when the old man is killed, Allison believes there is another solution to the murder. 
  • 在一个雷电交加的深夜,飞行爱好者克雷驾驶的飞机紧急着陆在南美一片不知名的芭蕉地里。在这里生活着单纯热情的居民,大家都对克雷的到来感到新奇。农场主弗兰克让手下的工人为克雷的飞机开辟出一段跑道,但遗憾的是克雷的试飞失败了。弗兰克未婚妻莫西蒂斯有一个十几岁的儿子嘎比利艾尔,他一直都无法和弗兰克相处融洽。嘎比利艾尔对克雷的飞机很感兴趣,他甚至愿意陪飞机说话一直到深夜,因为他发现这架飞机是有生命的,它一直都在用独特的方式与自己呼应着。接触中莫西蒂斯和克雷产生了感情,但他们都知道彼此不可能在一起。莫西蒂斯身边有深爱自己弗兰克,而克雷的妻子和刚出生的孩子也在等着他安全地回家。嘎比利艾尔请求弗兰克帮助克雷修理飞机,弗兰克同意了。嘎比利艾尔对弗兰克深怀感激,并开始接受弗兰克。在全村人的帮助下,飞机重新被修理好。只是它已经变了样子,机翼被缠上了具有当地特色的花布,连油箱也跑到了飞机的顶端。但它依然是一架性能卓越的飞机,它示意嘎比利艾尔自己可以完成好这次飞行工作。嘎比利艾尔发现火山口是飞行的最佳位置,尽管这很危险,但陆地上没有足够长的跑道,要让飞机飞起来,就必须冒险试一试。克雷把一枚飞行胸章送给嘎比利艾尔留念,他们都不会忘记彼此。飞机启动了,在火山口它冲向了云霄,地面上响起了村民们的欢呼声,克雷向着家的方向飞去……弗兰克和莫西蒂斯举行了婚礼,已经和弗兰克成为朋友的嘎比利艾尔将婚戒递给了他,同时也把母亲交给了这个可靠的男人。