• This experimental work begins with director's rehearsing his new film Ecstasy Garden. The film crosses back and forth the border between reality and fantasy while lovers, mother and daughter come andgo to the river. Mekong Hotel shot during the flood, intertwines the destruction, politics and drifting dream of future.
  • 由Pranakorn Film投拍的泰国古装动作片《烈血暹士2》讲述了一群保卫村子抵抗外来入侵的勇士们的故事,基本上泰国古装动作片历来并没有特别出彩的作品,除了《拳霸2》取得很好的票房收益之外,其它的片子票房和口碑都不太理想。但是这一次电影公司请来在泰国具有超高人气的网球运动员斯里查潘主演影片,想以他的高人气来吸引体育迷这个群体,策略相当成功。从之前释出的预告片来看,斯里查潘表现尚可,但是特效因资金不足技术落后依然惨不忍睹,不过片中众多泰男大露肌肉,加之动作场面颇为火爆